Classroom Information
The Two year old Room at Little Hands Learning Center creates a fun and nurturing environment for your children. We meet the needs of the children by using positive language, speaking on their level, and providing activities that promote learning and exploration. We encourage a sense of community and group as well as individual time.
Each child will have their labeled cot for nap. We ask that you bring a blanket for your child and you may bring a small pillow as well. We ask that you bring them home at the end of the week to be washed.
Bathroom time occurs every two hours, unless otherwise needed. Potty training is an exciting and important part of their lives, and we gently lead the child in developing good habits and hygiene.
Special Activities
The children participate in activities daily. The activities include circle time, art, songs, story time, cooking, science and large motor/outside time. We provide a weekly lesson plan on our toddler news board of the activities we are doing and one is also sent home every week. (Activities are subject to change in accordance to weather.) The children in the 2 Year Old Room even enjoy short walks outside from time to time when the weather permits.
The toddler room has a wide range of age-appropriate toys. We provided manipulative, small blocks, lacing toys, puzzles and many activities for small-motor development. We provide a quiet area with books, dolls and stuffed animals. We provide a large assortment of musical toys and other age- appropriate toys for development.A large playground is available outside, weather permitting.
2 Year Old Necessities
We ask that you bring the following on your first day: diapers or pull-ups, diaper ointment, wipes, sun block, extra clothes (appropriate for the weather), outside shoes and a blanket.
Parent CommunicationWe use an electronic app called Kids Reports to keep parents informed of their child’s day. It allows parents to have real time information of their child’s day. Here are some features:
-Receive daily reports via push/email/text
-Activity alerts throughout the day
-Easily communicate with your center
-View Daily Activities
-View Historical Activities
-Share and Download Photos and Videos
-Diaper Changes
-Supplies Needed
Secure Video Monitoring
Little Hands utilizes the latest in secure video monitoring to allow parents to monitor their children during the day. Here’s a little bit of info about our monitoring service:
Our Curriculum
Frog Street Toddler is designed around the latest early brain research and includes 52 weeks of easy-to-use activities created specifically for little ones. The program is designed to equip caregivers to foster essential growth, meet the needs of all learners, and embrace the joy of learning each day!
Learning Domains
13 thematic activity guides that offer hundreds of domain-based activity choices that are intentional, integrated, and child centered. The weekly Lesson Planners make at-a-glance activity planning a snap. Choosing just one activity from each domain daily will move children forward in their development.
Language Development
Little ones will be immersed in a language-rich environment essential for developing both receptive and expressive language skills. Frog Street Toddler includes high-interest books, stories, songs, poems, and chants that will amuse and delight toddlers. Vocabulary words are introduced and reinforced weekly through activity integration, colorful photo cards, and sign language to support all learning modalities. Story Time includes modeled dialog, in English (black type) and Spanish (blue type), for follow-up story discussions.
Cognitive Development
Activities that support cause-and-effect relationships and problem solving to develop foundational skills for lifelong learning. Each week, you will have a range of activity choices that will give little ones plenty of opportunities to express creativity, solve child-sized problems, and develop curiosity.
Physical Development
The activity choices in this domain provide toddlers with fun physical challenges, action songs, and games that will build coordination, balance, and muscle strength. Little ones will develop both gross motor and fine motor skills as they squeeze, tear, roll, toss, catch, hug, hop, twist, run, and much more!
Social Emotional Developmet
Our Curriculum places a special emphasis on social emotional development because learning best evolves through relationships and responsive care giving. Toddlers will build confidence, learn impulse control, and develop social skills while caregivers build trusting relationships with children through one-on-one, partner, and small-group interactions.