Classroom Information
The 3 year old Room at Little Hands Learning Center creates a fun and nurturing environment for your children. In this age group, your child is becoming aware of his or her friends, developing positive relationships with others, and working together. Social and interpersonal skills are nurtured within your child by providing creative play activities. Potty training is an exciting and important part of their lives, and we gently lead the child in developing good habits and hygiene.
Each child will have their labeled cot for nap. We ask that you bring a blanket for your child and you may bring a small pillow or stuffed animal for a comfort item as well. We ask that you bring them home at the end of the week to be washed.

African American ethnicity kid smiling at library in kindergarten preschool classroom.happy concept
Special Activities
The children participate in activities daily. The activities include circle time, art, songs, story time, cooking, science and large motor/outside time. We provide a weekly lesson plan on our toddler news board of the activities we are doing and one is also sent home every week. (Activities are subject to change in accordance to weather.)
Your child’s intellectual development is encouraged through educational toys and games, as well as outdoor walks, art, group reading, and song and dance.We provided manipulative, small blocks, lacing toys, puzzles and many activities for small-motor development. We provide a quiet area with books, dolls and stuffed animals. We provide a large assortment of musical toys and other age- appropriate toys for development. A large playground is available outside, weather permitting.
3 Year Old Necessities
We ask that you bring the following on your first day: diapers or pull-ups, diaper ointment, sun block, extra clothes (appropriate for the weather), outside shoes and a blanket.
Parent CommunicationWe use an electronic app called Kids Reports to keep parents informed of their child’s day. It all allows parents to have real time information of their child’s day. Here are some features:
-Receive daily reports via push/email/text
-Activity alerts throughout the day
-Easily communicate with your center
-View Daily Activities
-View Historical Activities
-Share and Download Photos and Videos
-Pull Up/Diaper Changes
-Supplies Needed
Secure Video Monitoring
Little Hands utilizes the latest in secure video monitoring to allow parents to monitor their children during the day. Here’s a little bit of info about our monitoring service:
Our Curriculum
Easy-to-use activities developed in accordance with early brain development research. A well-rounded scope of activities that includes all developmental domains. Intentional instruction that optimizes key windows of opportunity for growth and development. Social and emotional emphasis featuring Dr. Becky Bailey’s Conscious Discipline®.
Social Bridge
· Interactive Play
· Sharing
· Caring
· Follow through on commitments
Literacy Development
· Engaging read-alouds
· Vocabulary development
· Formal introduction to the alphabet
· Phonological awareness
· Writing and fine motor skills
Foundational Math
· Attributes
· Classification
· Patterns
· One-to-one correspondence
· Order
· Numeration
· Logical reasoning & problem solving