Classroom Information
The Toddler Rooms at Little Hands creates a fun and nurturing environment for your children. We meet the needs of the children by using positive language, speaking on their level, and providing activities that promote learning and exploration. We encourage a sense of community and group as well as individual time.
Each child will have their labeled cot for nap. We ask that you bring a blanket for your child and you may bring a small pillow as well. We ask that you bring them home at the end of the week to be washed.
Special Activities
The children participate in activities daily. The activities include circle time, art, songs, story time, cooking, science and large motor/outside time. We provide a weekly lesson plan on our toddler news board of the activities we are doing and one is also sent home every week. (Activities are subject to change in accordance to weather.) The children in Toddler Room even enjoy short walks outside from time to time when the weather permits.
The toddler room has a wide range of age-appropriate toys. We provided manipulative, small blocks, lacing toys, puzzles and many activities for small-motor development. We provide a quiet area with books, dolls and stuffed animals. We provide a large assortment of musical toys and other age- appropriate toys for development. A large playground is available outside, weather permitting.
Toddler Necessities
We ask that you bring the following on your first day: diapers or pull-ups, diaper ointment, wipes, sun block, extra clothes (appropriate for the weather), outside shoes and a blanket.
Parent CommunicationWe use an electronic app called Kids Reports to keep parents informed of their child’s day. It all allows parents to have real time information of their child’s day. Here are some features:
-Receive daily reports via push/email/text
-Activity alerts throughout the day
-Easily communicate with your center
-View Daily Activities
-View Historical Activities
-Share and Download Photos and Videos
-Diaper Changes
-Supplies Needed
Secure Video Monitoring
Little Hands utilizes the latest in secure video monitoring to allow parents to monitor their children during the day. Here’s a little bit of info about our monitoring service:
Our Curriculum
Language-Rich Environment
The most fertile time in life for developing language is between birth and age three. Frog Street Infant helps you build a language-rich environment with a library of colorful board books and high-interest photo cards.
Social and Emotional Development
Frog Street Infant helps little ones develop a foundation of important life skills by:
· developing trust
· forming healthy attachments
· developing impulse control
· enhancing social interactions
Professional Development
Colorful wall posters, “What Should You Do?” scenarios, and important developmental facts and information are woven throughout the program to equip caregivers and deepen their understanding of child development.
Music, Movement, and Fun!
Music plays an important role in shaping the brain and is critical to babies’ language development. Through playful baby songs, simple games, and rhythm-band instruments, little ones will be engaged through music, movement, and fun!